2024 Business Goal Setting with Charlie Q4
A small group working session to get aspirational, problem solve and set goals for the coming quarter for your business.
Delivered by: Charlie Alexander from Farlie Photography
What is it? Limited to just 8 people to optimally elevate the voices in the room. A collaborative, expert led day focusing on setting aspirational goals for 2024. We will visualise, workshop ideas, problem solve, get inspired and work all this in to an actionable plan for overarching goals for the entire year AND smaller workable to dos for the upcoming quarter. With a view to regather in December for another Goal Setting session for accountability and further progression.
Where is it? An in-person workshop
When? Thursday 19th September 2024
Time? 10:00am start, 2:00pm finish.
How much? £55 (Excludes refreshments and lunch, details on these to be added)
Anything else? Limited to 8 spots! An inclusive space that welcomes businesses at all places in their journey.
Creative, collaborative, connections at the heart of everything that we do. See you soon!
5 in stock