Planning, Uncategorized

What does it mean to us this year?

The Hook Project was founded on our belief IN women as entrepreneurs, creators, leaders, business owners and overall bad asses! How inspired we are by our fellow business women is a constant motivator that keeps us working so hard to provide valuable and uplifting experiences for our local business leader’s community. So really we don’t “need” a day to be reminded of the magnificence of you, our wonderful community… BUT! Whilst the rest of the world catches up we most certainly will take this day to take a moment to really reflect on how much magic lies in all of our potential. 

Our commitment to you going forward, as it always has been, is this to name but a few;

💫 We will NEVER offer an event to you that we don’t believe has the potential to support you in business and build your buisness toolkit

💫 We will ALWAYS be here to listen to your feedback and will always endeavour to use it improve our offering in quality AND in inclusivity

💫 We will NEVER stop believing in the power of women sharing their gifts, talents and passions with the world

💫 Our vibe will ALWAYS be positive, supportive and with an abundance mindset, because we believe that you get back what you put out

💫 We will NEVER tell you make it perfect, because we believe in PROGRESS and learning and sharing your journey with your community

💫 We will ALWAYS prioritise COMMUNITY OVER COMPETITION and our events will never refuse entry to individuals based on their industry arena because we believe in the power of everyone’s individuality and will never have limiting beliefs relating to scarcity make our decisions


All this… Today AND every day. 💗

BIG MAD LOVE FOLKS! Charlie, Barbara & Lucie xoxo


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